BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Monday, 25th Safar 1445H/11th September 2023M. – Five (5) athletes from the Elite
Athlete Program received a sponsorship boost from Fitwellness BN, following a multi-sport and heart rate sensor
watch handover ceremony which took place at the Youth Centre in Bandar Seri Begawan.
The sponsorship highlighted Fitwellness BN’s support towards the enhancement of performance services to the
national athletes, as a means to monitor daily activities and keep track of their physiological parameters using
smart technology.
The athletes comprising of three from Wushu: Yang Mulia Mohammad Adi Salihin bin Roslan, Yang Mulia Hosea
Wong Zheng Yu, Yang Mulia Basma Lachkar and two from Pencak Silat: Yang Mulia Md Ali Saifullah bin Haji Md
Suhaimi, and Yang Mulia Nur Wasiqah Aziemah binti Rosihan who are part of the elite group of athletes in the Elite
Athlete Program. These athletes have shown good consistency in training and progressive improvements, and
were also medallists at the recent South-East Asian (SEA) Games in 2022.
Meanwhile, another two athletes, Yang Mulia Muhammad Nurirfan bin Muhammad A’arafah and Yang Mulia
Abdullah Abbas bin Abdullah, from the sport of athletics in middle-distance running were selected to observe how
smart technology can benefit and assist athletes not just in training but also in recovery cycles.
Present at the ceremony to witness the sponsorship event was Yang Mulia Dayang Umi Kalthum binti Haji Abdul
Karim, Director of Youth and Sports, members of National Sports Associations, officers from the Department of
Youth and Sports, as well as coaches and athletes.